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Our Classes
Agility - Handling Sequences & Techniques - Advanced Skills (JF) (Members Only)
with Jeff Foster

This class is not appropriate for beginner dogs. However, it is not required that handlers have competed in an AKC Agility Trial. This class will include both abbreviated Standard and Jumpers with Weaves agility courses so that by the end of the session participants will have had an opportunity to encounter all the obstacles and maneuvers necessary to compete at the Novice level. We will focus on the performance requirements of each obstacle plus the groundwork and handling necessary to move between them. The dog must be competent and confident on all agility equipment and should be moving easily through weaves and over the teeter. Instructors will also cover steps to participate in your first agility trial (i.e. how to fill out an entry form, how to check in, how to get your dog's height measurement, etc.) and will be available to answer any questions.
Pre-requisites: Dog and handler must have successfully completed and passed MDTC's Agility Foundation & Groundwork 103 or other advanced level Agility classes. If the dog is not capable of performing the contact equipment they must repeat MDTC's Agility Foundation & Groundwork 103.
Dogs also must have completed and passed MDTC’S Basic Obedience and Intermediate Obedience classes and be able to work reliably off leash. They must be able to respond to the commands of sit, stay and come. Please contact MDTC's Training Director or instructor to confirm if your dog is eligible or for additional details.
Agility - Handling Sequences & Techniques - Advanced Skills (JF) (Non-Member)
with Jeff Foster

This class is not appropriate for beginner dogs. However, it is not required that handlers have competed in an AKC Agility Trial. This class will include both abbreviated Standard and Jumpers with Weaves agility courses so that by the end of the session participants will have had an opportunity to encounter all the obstacles and maneuvers necessary to compete at the Novice level. We will focus on the performance requirements of each obstacle plus the groundwork and handling necessary to move between them. The dog must be competent and confident on all agility equipment and should be moving easily through weaves and over the teeter. Instructors will also cover steps to participate in your first agility trial (i.e. how to fill out an entry form, how to check in, how to get your dog's height measurement, etc.) and will be available to answer any questions.
Pre-requisites: Dog and handler must have successfully completed and passed MDTC's Agility Foundation & Groundwork 103 or other advanced level Agility classes. If the dog is not capable of performing the contact equipment they must repeat MDTC's Agility Foundation & Groundwork 103.
Dogs also must have completed and passed MDTC’S Basic Obedience and Intermediate Obedience classes and be able to work reliably off leash. They must be able to respond to the commands of sit, stay and come. Please contact MDTC's Training Director or instructor to confirm if your dog is eligible or for additional details.
Agility Skills - Introduction to Contacts (JC) (Members Only)
with Jean Conroy

We will be introducing all the contacts. We will start from scratch and work up to full height. This class is open to dogs and handlers who have taken a previous agility class and are familiar with agility equipment. Dogs must be able to work off-lead. We will be adding jumps and tunnels to form sequences.
Prerequisites: Dogs must be able to work off lead, come when called and have a working knowledge of jumps and tunnels.
Note: Class participants are expected to help set up and take down course equipment as necessary. Haltees, Gentle Leaders, and Harnesses are not allowed in this class.
Agility Skills - Introduction to Contacts (JC) (Non-Member)
with Jean Conroy

We will be introducing all the contacts. We will start from scratch and work up to full height. This class is open to dogs and handlers who have taken a previous agility class and are familiar with agility equipment. Dogs must be able to work off-lead. We will be adding jumps and tunnels to form sequences.
Prerequisites: Dogs must be able to work off lead, come when called and have a working knowledge of jumps and tunnels.
Note: Class participants are expected to help set up and take down course equipment as necessary. Haltees, Gentle Leaders, and Harnesses are not allowed in this class.
Competition Obedience - Problem Solving Class (MG) (Members Only)
with Meredith Garrett

This class is designed for AKC Obedience competitors.
Prerequisites: Handlers must have titled any dog at the CD level. Dogs entered in this class do not have to have a CD title.
Note: Students are expected to help set up and break down class equipment.
Competition Obedience - Problem Solving Class (MG) (Non-Member)
with Meredith Garrett

This class is designed for AKC Obedience competitors.
Prerequisites: Handlers must have titled any dog at the CD level. Dogs entered in this class do not have to have a CD title.
Note: Students are expected to help set up and break down class equipment.
Agility Skills - Advanced Basic (PW) (Members Only)
with Pat Wright

This is not a beginner's agility class, but for dogs not titled above Novice. Dogs best suited to succeed in the class must be able to use all agility equipment but can be weak on weaves and teeter. Handlers will use sequences and handling drills to improve skills
Note: Students are expected to help setup and break down equipment at the beginning and end of each class.
Prerequisites: Dog and handler must have successfully completed MDTC's Agility Foundation & Groundwork 103 or other advanced level agility classes. Dogs must be able to work reliably off leash and have solid foundations of basic obedience commands (sit, stay, come). Please contact MDTC's Training Director or instructor to confirm if your dog is eligible or for additional details.
Agility Skills - Advanced Basic (PW) (Non-Member)
with Pat Wright

This is not a beginner's agility class, but for dogs not titled above Novice. Dogs best suited to succeed in the class must be able to use all agility equipment but can be weak on weaves and teeter. Handlers will use sequences and handling drills to improve skills
Note: Students are expected to help setup and break down equipment at the beginning and end of each class.
Prerequisites: Dog and handler must have successfully completed MDTC's Agility Foundation & Groundwork 103 or other advanced level agility classes. Dogs must be able to work reliably off leash and have solid foundations of basic obedience commands (sit, stay, come). Please contact MDTC's Training Director or instructor to confirm if your dog is eligible or for additional details.