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Member Only Classes
AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy (SB) (Members Only)
with Sherry A. Bryant

This class is for dogs between 3-12 months of age. AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy is an exciting program designed to get dog owners and their puppies off to a good start by laying the foundation training and socialization for your puppy while teaching you how to best communicate with your puppy. Classes will cover all elements needed to pass the AKC requirements. Student puppies enrolled in this class MUST attend all 6 classes in order to pass and be able to apply for the STAR Puppy certificate.
Note: Although the testing and forms are included in the price of this class, the registration/processing fee for the certificate and medallion (available directly from AKC) is NOT included. For more information about the AKC STAR Puppy program, enjoy this AKC video:
AKC Novice Obedience Instructional (MAM) (Members Only)
with Mary Ann Mullen

Instructional class covering rules and regulations, ring procedures, and a critiqued run thru of each dog. This class is for dogs getting ready to show in BN or in Novice and dogs will need a reliable recall.
Prerequisites: Dogs should be working on off lead heeling and recall.
AKC Competitive Obedience - Beginning Novice/Novice Instructional (MAM) (Members Only)
with Mary Ann Mullen

Instructional class covering rules and regulations, ring procedures, and a critiqued run thru of each dog. This class is for dogs getting ready to show in BN or in Novice and dogs will need a reliable recall.
Prerequisites: Dogs should be working on off lead heeling and recall.
Scent Work - Foundations 2 (MS) (Members Only)
with Mary Sweany

This class is a continuation of Scentwork Foundations 1 and continues to build the foundation skills in scentwork. The emphasis will be on increasing your dog's drive for hunting and providing experiences which will build skills. All hides will be paired with food encouraging the dog to stay at source. In addition, the handler will continue to provide consistent start line procedures allowing their dog to hunt. Dogs should have a harness and 10 foot leash. Bring treats your dog will enjoy for training. All dogs must be kept in a crate between exercises. Handlers must be willing to practice exercises three times per week.
Prerequisites: Dog must have completed a Scentwork Foundations 1 class. Dogs must not have been introduced to odor or trialed in scentwork. The dog must be under control at all times.
Conformation Handling (KP) (Members Only)
with Kelly Park

"Conformation" is the showing/handling of dogs in a dog show ring. This class provides instruction on how to handle and properly "gait", "stack", "free-stack" and "present the dog's bite" in a dog show event.
This instructional class is open to all levels of experience of handlers (newbies to advanced), skilled handlers with new show pups, or seasoned show dogs. In order to keep the rings clean and safe, the grooming of dogs is not permitted in this class or the building. Junior handlers are always welcome.
Agility - FGW 102 - Introduction to Contacts (JC) (Members Only)
with Jean Conroy

We will be introducing all the contacts. We will start from scratch and work up to full height. This class is open to those who attended the FGW 101 in Session 1 2025. We will be adding jumps and tunnels to form sequences.
Pre-requisites: Must have attended FGW 101 in 2024 or 2025.
Note: Class participants are expected to help set up and take down course equipment as necessary. Haltees, Gentle Leaders, and Harnesses are not allowed in this class.
Agility - Improving Handler & Dog Skills - Intermediate (SP) (Members Only)
with Sandra Platt

This class is the next step after Foundations & Groundwork 101, 102, 103. It is a building block to help gain skills necessary for future intermediate and advanced classes and to help the team compete at novice level. We will include short sequencing of obstacles in both standard and jumper’s courses. A map and time to walk the course will be provided at the beginning of each class. During the class, the course may be split into two parts to help ensure success.
At the completion of this class, the instructor will help students choose the agility class that will best help them reach their objectives.
Note for students and dogs new to Merrimac Dog Training Club: An evaluation is required to see which class fits your dog for its success. In addition, vaccination records must be provided the first day of class.
Pre-requisites: Dogs must have a start line stay and the ability to follow the handler, off leash, through a simple course with jumps, contacts, and weave poles. The team may be weak on the teeter and the weave poles, but should be able to complete the “A” Frame and Dog Walk with little help. The instructors of the foundation classes will advise students if they are ready to enroll in this class.
Agility - Handling Sequences & Techniques - Advanced Skills (JF) (Members Only)
with Jeff Foster

This class is not appropriate for beginner dogs. However, it is not required that handlers have competed in an AKC Agility Trial. This class will include both abbreviated Standard and Jumpers with Weaves agility courses so that by the end of the session participants will have had an opportunity to encounter all the obstacles and maneuvers necessary to compete at the Novice level. We will focus on the performance requirements of each obstacle plus the groundwork and handling necessary to move between them. The dog must be competent and confident on all agility equipment and should be moving easily through weaves and over the teeter. Instructors will also cover steps to participate in your first agility trial (i.e. how to fill out an entry form, how to check in, how to get your dog's height measurement, etc.) and will be available to answer any questions.
Pre-requisites: Dog and handler must have successfully completed and passed MDTC's Agility Foundation & Groundwork 103 or other advanced level Agility classes. If the dog is not capable of performing the contact equipment they must repeat MDTC's Agility Foundation & Groundwork 103.
Dogs also must have completed and passed MDTC’S Basic Obedience and Intermediate Obedience classes and be able to work reliably off leash. They must be able to respond to the commands of sit, stay and come. Please contact MDTC's Training Director or instructor to confirm if your dog is eligible or for additional details.