AKC Rally - Intro to Rally Novice & Virtual Taping for Novice Title (NN) (Members Only)
with Nora Noffke
Students are introduced to the main rally novice signs and how to master a rally course with a happy and engaged dog. During the last week or two of this class, the individual dog/handler teams will be videotaped for legs toward the AKC Rally Novice title.
This class is for those dogs/handlers new to the sport or those wanting to learn how to perform the Novice level signs better in preparation for trialing. Watch this AKC Video for more information: https://youtu.be/VbtxFLemEL0
Pre-requisites: Dog/handler teams must have successfully completed an Intermediate Obedience class. Dogs must have a minimum age of 6 months.
Please contact the MDTC Training Director if you’re unsure if your dog is qualified to participate in this class. Please crate your dog between runs.
Mar 17 - Apr 21st, 2025
Mon for 6 weeks from 7:15 - 8:15 pm